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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Talking to Tomie

      I recently had the privilege of interviewing and writing about one of my literary heroes. I had been to a lecture he gave once, but never had the chance to talk to him. Talking to Tomie dePaola was as thrilling for me as I imagined. Hearing the sweet sound of his youthful giggle at something I said was about as good as it gets!
      It isn't just his laugh that is youthful. Everything about him is, and I suspect it is that joyful orientation to the world that keeps him that way. There is much to be learned from him.
      Below is a link to the article I wrote (pages 14 and 15). I'm not sure how or why the editor chose "The Lucky One" as a title, but I do know that I was the lucky one in our exchange.

      And here he is cutting up with Becky Rule at the talk I heard him give for the NH Humanities Council (I teach in their Connections Literacy program) last year. Also a treat.

Tomie+de+Paola+Scarf.jpg (700×465)