Though I have been completely submerged in historical fiction and nonfiction for at least the last year, last night I went to hear Augusten Burroughs speak, and I have been reading his "A Wolf at the Table" ever since I got home. So far I am finding it a very compelling read, as I found him in person. Quirky and humorous and interesting and all-over-the-place. I loved that he mentioned that labels have been bandied about for him on the now very well populated Autistic spectrum. Being as high functioning as he is the labels are rather irrelevant but are immensely interesting when applied to his childhood. I think they perfectly explain both his recall for early childhood memories, and the kind of memories that he has - his way of processing the sensory experiences of childhood were in fact, not average, and I find reading it from that perspective well worth my time. I was surprised to read the very different take on the book in the NYT, linked to below. I like the book and I like Burroughs. He deserves all of his successes!