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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Brazing beautiful bridges

     Here is my column, from this morning's Portsmouth Herald. Jeanne is the youngest person I have ever interviewed for my column which I have been writing for five years. Despite her youth she still qualifies as someone who has been here a good long time and who has been contributing to creating community. Those are the local people that I like to talk to and write about.
     Jeanne Givens: Brazing beautiful bridges and here is a photo of her with her sculpture that the paper couldn't print.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday Morning Emilyzing

      Looks like I'm going to share most of the Emily Dickinson information that I am studying myself these days. Can't seem to help myself. I don't know if she is making the news more lately or if she is just making my radar more lately because of my renewed interest in her work. It would be hard to believe that she was always the subject of so much current discussion. Either way it is a wonderful legacy for a poet. I find it quite remarkable. In the link I share below she is being discussed by her current predecessor in popularity, Billy Collins.
     I have had a couple of new developments with my own poetry in the last couple of days; I had my first paid poetry reading which was very rewarding to do, even though the crowd was not really a crowd. I also entered into an agreement with artist Frannie Schwabb to exhibit an ekphrastic poem I wrote last year with the painting that inspired it, in an art show to be held in the fall.
     Here is a little something that is helping put my Monday morning into perspective;

For Each Ecstatic Instant

by Emily Dickinson

For each ecstatic instant
We must an anguish pay
In keen and quivering ratio
To the ecstasy.

For each beloved hour
Sharp pittances of years,
Bitter contested farthings
And coffers heaped with tears.